// Hybrid Threats

What are Hybrid Threats

Hybrid threats are harmful activities that are planned and carried out with malign intent. They aim to undermine a target, such as a state or an institution, through a variety of means, often combined. Such means include information manipulation, cyberattacks, economic influence or coercion, covert political maneuvering, coercive diplomacy, or threats of military force. Hybrid threats describe a wide array of harmful activities with different goals, ranging from influence operations and interference all the way to hybrid warfare.

// Research

Disinformation and Propaganda

Disinformation is a relatively new word. Most observers trace it back to the Russian word dezinformatsiya, which Soviet planners in the 1950s defined as “dissemination (in the press, on the radio, etc.) of false reports intended to mislead public opinion.” Others suggest that the earliest use of the term originated in 1930s Nazi Germany. In either case, it is much younger (and less commonly used) than ‘propaganda,’ which originated in the 1600s and generally connotes the selective use of information for political effect.

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What is Weaponized Narrative?

Weaponized narrative is warfare in the information environment – using words and images rather than bombs and bullets.  The victims are truth, reason, and reflection.  Against Armenia, for example, it aims to weaken society by attacking fundamental agreements on what it means to be an Armenian.

Weaponized narrative seeks to undermine an opponent’s civilization, identity, and will by generating complexity, confusion, and political and social schisms. It can be used tactically, as part of explicit military or geopolitical conflict; or strategically, as a way to reduce, neutralize, and defeat a civilization, state, or organization.

// Research

What is Resilience?

In the context of evolving challenges, Armenia is now faced with vulnerabilities for which its state and non-state institutions are not prepared to address efficiently such as hybrid threats (information warfare, psychological warfare, lawfare, cognitive warfare), as well as populism, fake news, disinformation campaigns, and other conventional and non-conventional sources of threats. INFORS Armenia, thus, underlines the importance of resilience in countering these threats and achieving Armenia’s national and strategic interests and foreign policy objectives.

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National Security

While the term “national security” has evolved over the years encompassing more and more layers of security, its basic definition remains a national security umbrella for the national efforts to ensure that the nation is safe, secure, and resilient against ANY kind of threat or source of threat allowing the nation to protect its vital interests, aspirations, and the hope for the future. National security is a national effort to prevent ALL kind of attacks against Armenia, reduce the vulnerability of Armenia to various risks, dangers and threats, and minimize the damage from attacks that do occur.